Brief moments in time we can share..

Hello to my few but faithful followers,

I write to you from L0ndon, UK.

I have a few months worth of reviews and musings to upload, I’ve just been eerily busy with my unfortunate responsibilities of being an adult and temporarily relocating to another hemisphere. I’ve got a new job, new house and every day is another panic attack fuelled fight to stay alive. Or stay warm at least (It snowed here today and it’s springtime?)…

I’m not going to say “watch this space”, because honestly, the internet is filled of spaces updated with content every few seconds, but I will start blogging again soon. I saw a few gigs in Feb and March before I left Melbourne, and I’ve seen a few since moving here.


I hope everyone is having a romantic autumn in Melbourne. It always seemed to feel quintessentially Melbourne as the leaves turned to brown and the days seemed to get slowly shorter and cosier..

It’s just cold here. No romance.

Who knows, maybe that too could change for old Tim?

Thank you for reading my friends and I will check back in soon.

Follow these bands and if you are in Oz please try and see them :



And this band has been on fucking repeat since I saw them before I left :


And my Dad got me into this band too :






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